Saturday 20 April 2013


Heya Chummy, (Zoe intro there)
So we have found a strong interest in Youtubers (click here for a post about YouTube) and one of our favourite youtubers is Zoella! (Click here for Zoe's blog)

Zoe Sugg (23) is the older sister of the gorgeous Joe Sugg, or more commonly known as ThatcherJoe.

"Months & Years passed, and the following grew to the 5 digit mark & now I've expanded into the scary realm of YouTube & My Blog posts are slightly more varied, covering beauty, fashion, life stories and some other controversial & health subjects thrown in for good measure. I've had the privilege of attending various events, trialing samples and meeting some truly amazing people along the way."

So We've picked Zoe as this weeks inspire because, well, she inspires us. Zoe started blogging in 2009, for the exact same reason as us, for fun.

We'd love to become as popular as Zoe in the online world, it's amazing to think people are reading and subscribing to your posts, and that they like what they see. Blogging is such a great way to get your thoughts and opinions out in the world and although we aren't as well known as Zoella, we'd like to think we've consumed the time of a few happy readers.

Zoe suffers from an anxiety and panic disorder, but she is overcoming it and saying 'Yes' to more things in life which we think is great and I'm sure anyone else who suffers from anything like this could really look up to her and take her on as a role model. We think it's great that she can still sit behind a camera and post her videos for us all!

Like us, Zoe co-owns a shop, Louella, with another of our favourite youtubers, Louise (Sprinkle of Glitter). On their shop website they post some of their favourite make-ups and brushes etc., which is another great way of interacting with readers. You may have seen something in one of their videos that you really want to try but can't find anywhere, well you'll most likely find it over on their website.

Cayley and I both like the thought of posting youtube videos and we've really only had this idea since we started watching youtubers like Zoella, she's proved that you don't need to be a singer or prankster to become recognised. We're still weighing up ideas for youtube videos, but as people from our school have already discovered, if you don't do well enough, lets just say you wont hear the end of it!

If you enjoyed my little blog post on my favourite online guru, and would like to know more about her, check out some of the links I've left throughout the post above!

Emma x

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this with us! Some really amazing features.
where is zoe sugg from