Saturday 27 April 2013




Well the picture of me didn't look nice (like all other picture) but this pictures was side ways so it couldn't be used (thanks caitlyn, no really thanks, great photography skills).
But this is a rough copy of what i was wearing today to go shopping.
The top is from topshop apart from mine is blue and a bit longer because it doesn't fit. -£18-£20
The sorts above kind of looks like mine but i without a belt, as you see i don't go for the ones that doesn't cover your butt *sensible me* £12-£15
I am in love with my blazers! I'm not even joking, but since London is 58 days away (not like I'm counting or anything) i do need to keep them in good condition, which there for i have reduced me on wearing them :( -£70
Have you ever heard of Truth? well its a fantastic jewellery shop which does lovely charm bracelets, so today i thought i would wear mine since I've only had it on once because it didn't fit (sorry there is no picture) - nearly £100
But yes i did have a skull ring on today and a bracelet; which i managed to break the rose off of my skull bracelet *shamed face*- and they were both around £10 (i cant remember where i got them from sorry! and they pictures above doesn't really look like them)
but yeah that's it,  i will make sure next time i have a proper photo :)

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