Saturday 11 May 2013


Well currently it's 01:29 on a Sunday morning and well I can't sleep so instead I thought I would write blog post...

We all have dreams and goals we want to achieve don't we? I know I have tons and tons but yet again I think most of them aren't possible :( yeah me dancing or getting taught a move by Justin Bieber isn't going to happen but yet again some of my dreams and goals have been achieved/came true like for instant I've always wanted to go to London and guess who's going to London in 43 days,  also that me and emma wanted to start a blog now look at us 7 months of blogging and there is more but I just can't remember them. *oops* 

But what I'm really saying is that what I've learned is that if you carry on believing then you can achieve your goals and if you work hard enough then your dream will come true! 

Short and sweet blog tonight or should I say morning? Oh well 


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