Saturday 18 May 2013

Hiding in my makeup bag


I thought I'd do a post today showing you guys what I have hidden in the makeup bag I use daily, I'm not doing this in any particular order, just literally pulling things out the bag and writing about them-enjoy.

1) Nivea soft intensive moisturising cream. I love this because it leaves your skin feeling super, super soft and unlike others that claim to 'last for up to X amount of days' this actually does! It's great to just rub on after a shower and isn't scented or anything-pure natural goodness! It says you CAN put this on your face, but I'd suggest you buy a facial moisturiser as the skin on your face is very sensitive as I'm sure you already know.

2) Clinique all about lips. My lips are absolutely horrible, but this acts as a lovely moisturising/exfoliation cream that honestly works wonders. It removes any dead skin cells and leaves your lips smooth and soft. It will also help your lipstick last longer if you put a dab of it underneath. I know it's quite pricey (£17) but its well worth it and I'd completely recommend trying it out if you haven't already!

3) max factor masterpiece colour precision eyeshadow-pearl beige. I'm not big on eyeshadow if I'm honest, but this is very pale and easy to use as it is applied with a lipgloss type brush. The colour is slightly shimmery but so faint you can barely notice it, a great first layer to work up a storm of eye creations! I usually just put it on with a thick, vintage black eyeliner and long lash mascara.

4) neutrogena hand cream. Okay, I'm sure I don't need to say much here, you've all heard of it, seen it used it, no? If you haven't I think you must have been living under a rock... This hand cream is amazingM especially as I have such dry, wrinkled old lady hands :P it's not sticky, greasy or slimy, but quite thick and stiff. Once rubbed in, the cream practically evaporates into your cells leaving behind gorgeously smooth hands. You do have to use this quite often though which is my only downside, but other than that it's pretty marvellous stuff.

5) L'orĂ©al  Paris super liner luminizer. I have this liquid eyeliner in a very dark shade of brown. When I say its liquid eyeliner the tip it actually a thin sponge and absorbs the eyeliner so there it's practically fool proof and so far so good with me. If your one of those people who can't handle liquid eyeliner but do love the look it can achieve then I'd definitely suggest you give this a go, and the great thing is it takes no time at all to get used to.

That's all I can really be bothered with writing about for now...I also use Rimmel BB cream and Clinique chubby sticks...
I don't really recommend the BB cream, I always feel quite oily with it in and it doesn't give complete coverage.
The 'chubby sticks' on the other hand, well these I would recomend! They don't last all day but the colours are absolutely gorgeous!

Emma x

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