Monday 17 June 2013

Eye C U...

All photos taken with
Canon EOS digital by me.
Only joking, but I thought that was a good title to do with what I'm about to say.

So, along with millions of others, I've become fascinated with some beauty vloggers on youtube- Tanya Burr and Zoe Sugg to name a few!

What I really like though are Tanya's makeup tuturiols (I'll link a few at the end of this) for example her Perrie Edwards one was great!

Watching these videos has definitely got me more interested in creating new looks, but what this post is going to be about is 'eyes'

I'd never really liked eyeshadow and eyeliner, and I'd always just used a stroke of mascara in the mornings, but after seeing some videos I decided to experiment with some of my eyeshadow and lets say it turned out a  lot better than I expected!

I discovered that eyeshadow doesn't need to be confusing or difficult, but it can make a whole lot of difference to a look.

What I Use...

I've dug out this kit from christmas and I have to say the little pots of colour are just amazing. The mascara and pencil eyeliner are rubbish, very clumpy and sticky, but I have nothing wrong with the liquid eyeliner other than the brush has frayed a bit, thus being my own fault. These kits are cheap as chips, and I really would recommend them if you aren't all that into makeup but would still like to have a try at it. It has a mirror in the lid (which, yes, I did accidentally smash...oops) and simply instructions on how to create a simple look and a smoky eye.

I also have a Max Factor gold eyeshadow palete, which is just a tiny rectangular case with two gold shades and a small disposable brush. I'm not a big fan of this but the lighter shade is an okay base coat.

Something I love is my Max Factor eyeshadow, dipensed just as a lip gloss in a neutral shade called 'beige pearl' I use this as a base coat to the look I'm about to explain...

How To...

Some tips before we get started;

  • It's easy to clean your brushes with soapy water, cleaner brushes are softer, and softer brushes are easier to work with. Cleaning our makeup brushes is something we seem to often forget about although it is very important.
  • blend well and make your shades dark to light, with the lightest shade being on the outer lid.
  • make sure there is no residue of previous makeup on your eye, you want it as clean as possible to prevent spots, blackheads and that heavy/drowsy feeling.
  • Try to avoid getting your makeup on your carpet, and I'm warning you now, if you do, DON'T blame me!
  • Don't match the colours of your eye makeup with the colours of your clothing, instead try to use contrasting colours, but the first thing people will notice shouldn't necessarily be your eyes.
Okay, so now that's sorted, pick up to three colours, I've gone for just two this time round, the 'pearl beige' shade from above and a purple pot from my kit.

Apply your base coat from your lash line to your brow bone, if your not sure where these are click here.
It doesn't matter if you make too much mess because its only your base coat, but do try and be fairly neat as it can be a nuisance to get off without ruining everything else!

Next, I would apply the purple, but obviously you use whichever second shade you have chosen. It should be your darkest shade which you apply to the crease of your eye, the inside half. Don't wipe it on or use stroking actions, as this will ruin the colour and blend it with your base coat underneath. Instead, just lightly dab it until it is dark enough. 

If you are using a third coat, this is when you would add it, it shouldn't go any further out than the imaginary vertical line between the edge of your eyebrow and the tip of your nose (use a pencil to check if you need to), and dab it on the same way. This shade should be lighter than the second shade, but not as light as your base coat. Once done take a slightly thicker brush to gently sweep over the whole eyelid and blend your colours, don't go overboard with this otherwise all your work will be ruined!

Once you get good you'll be able to do the three-shade eye makeup in seconds, but for during the day you shouldn't need to, it's more of a night look.

If you guys enjoyed this I may do a smoky eyes tutorial next week.

Emma x

Tanya Burr's youtube channel. 

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